Throughout my time being a mother, I have gone through many changes and so has my daughter. Deserae has gone from drinking from a bottle to drinking from a straw and having no hair to having so much hair I do not know what to do with it. During a quest or a journey to potty train my daughter in thirty days, I not only gained a drier toddler, I have gained so much more.
There was a time I would throw away over six diapers a day every day. Most of the trash put on the curb every Friday was diapers and wipes. It was so sad to think that if a child could be potty trained, why fill up our landfills with all of this trash that will be sitting there for years and years. A couple months ago I had decided to stop all of the wasting and try to potty-train Deserae. She went from Pampers to Pull-Ups instantly with no feeling of anything changing and a few weeks later we began our thirty day journey of potty-training.
Before training Deserae, she would walk around with a wet pull-up, grunt when she had a bowel movement, and made a big mess for mommy. I was fed up with her having accidents when every sign she had that meant she was ready to potty-train kept telling me to start trying. On the first day of our journey, Deserae was hesitant and did not like sitting on her potty-seat. She would run from me and giggle whenever I tried to sit her down on her potty. I was at wits ends in frustration trying to figure out something that every mom has accomplished before me. She is a tough little girl and was not having it.
After a week or so of trying and trying Deserae finally began to get the hang of letting me know when she needed to go number two. I would sit her down after telling her we needed to go potty and she would go, grunting and all. I would proceed to hand her a piece of toilet paper and she would try to wipe, it was so cute. She had become more willing than before to sit on her seat and let her mommy talk her into going.
A few weeks went by after our journey began and Deserae was doing so well with going number two but not going number one. I was confused and eager for her to start. After trying so many methods, we finally found one that she could copy and handle learning from rather than me saying, “go potty.” It was more realistic to have a doll show her than her own mommy. She was so happy after I would praise her and eager to go when she felt the need to go. By then she was in her big girl underwear and strutting around the house like she was two years old already. I will say that her attitude on her off days had gotten worse as her terrible two’s are coming our way.
Throughout our quest, there had been many fights, tantrums, and accidents. If I would have known it would take all it did to get through the thirty days, I might not have done this before but now that there are many dry days in sight I am so pleased with how it turned out. Deserae is 80 percent potty-trained, happy, and learning more and more every day. Because we have accomplished so much we can now move on to more and I feel that now is better than it was before potty-training.
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